Fruits are very beneficial for health and fitness. We eat many fruits according to the season. Each fruit has different properties. One such beneficial fruit is pomegranate. Which is beneficial in many diseases like cancer.
Red and round fruit
Pomegranate fruit is round and red in color. Pomegranate has a yellowish white rind inside when cut. Its grains are arranged very beautifully around the bark.

Nutrients in Pomegranate
Pomegranates usually grow from August to October. The hard peel of pomegranate prevents it from spoiling easily. Pomegranate contains vitamin B, vitamin C and vitamin K. It also contains nutrients like fiber, iron, potassium and zinc. Pomegranate also helps in reducing body fat.
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Useful to prevent cancer
Vitamin C and antioxidants present in pomegranate increase the body’s immunity. Regular consumption of pomegranate provides protection from diseases like fever, cough, cold. By consuming it, it destroys the toxic elements in the body, thus preventing fatal diseases like cancer.

Removes toxins
Pomegranate’s antioxidant properties flush out toxins from the body. So it protects from deadly diseases like lung cancer, breast cancer, prostate cancer. And the possibility of this type of fatal disease is reduced.
Benefits of Pomegranate Juice
Drinking it’s juice daily reduces the risk of heart disease and stroke. Roasting cumin powder and adding it to it’s juice relieves indigestion. The juice relieves the stomach if there is a problem of acidity. After straining its juice evenly and applying it to the eyes, it gets rid of eye inflammation.
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Uses of Pomegranate Peel
Sipping the fresh peel of this fruit relieves the problem of cough. Making a powder of its bark and rubbing it on the teeth makes the teeth shine and strengthens the gums. By extracting the juice of its bark and adding one teaspoon of sesame oil to 4 teaspoons of juice and drinking it once a day for three consecutive days, the problem of worms is relieved.
Benefits of Pomegranate Leaves
Pomegranate leaves boiled in water and mixed in it regularly gives relief in typhoid. If there is inflammation in the palms or soles of the feet, grinding its leaves on the soles will relieve the inflammation. Grinding its leaves and applying it on the burn reduces the inflammation.
Increase in blood flow
Eating it increases blood flow and purifies the blood. Chewing its seeds properly relieves constipation. Folic acid present in it removes Iron deficiency in blood. And provides protection from diseases like anemia.
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Beneficial for pregnant women
Its juice is proven to be beneficial for pregnant women as it keeps the baby healthy and fit. It is sweet but does not raise the sugar level. But keeps sugar under control. Hence it is considered beneficial in diabetes.
When should pomegranate be eaten?
Due to sufficient sugar and vitamins in pomegranate, eating it in the morning keeps the body full of energy throughout the day. You can also eat pomegranate in the afternoon.
Pomegranate should never be consumed at night because our metabolism is very slow at night. The fiber in pomegranate is not digested well at night and the sugar in pomegranate gets converted into fat at night due to slow metabolism.
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