Neem – No one is unfamiliar with this tree. Every house (neighborhood) in the villages has this tree. So let’s know, few things about our friend Neem…

Neem Tree Care

Growing a neem tree is very easy. It can grow very well without much care. Its 8-10 seeds have to be planted in the soil only in a pot or in the courtyard of the house. Just by giving it enough water every now and then, it will grow to the size of a plant in just 3 to 4 months.

Neem and Ayurveda

Ayurveda mentions many uses of the neem tree, and its bark, leaves, and seeds are utilized for making medicines. Applying a paste of neem leaves along with turmeric can relieve itching. People use neem leaves for treating ringworm and other skin diseases. You can crush neem leaves and consume them with a glass of water to enhance immunity.

Neem bloom

Consumption of neem blossoms is considered very important in the month of Chaitra (around March and April). Chaitra month has both cold and hot seasons. So at that time, many diseases like cold, cough, fever, digestive power are weakened. For those reasons, our elders used to consume neem blossoms. It is said that if neem flower juice is consumed in the month of Chaitra, you will not get any disease throughout the year.

Neem seed oil

Neem toothpaste also strengthens your teeth and cleans the mouth. It’s seed oil also has many uses in Ayurveda. And by boiling neem leaves in water and bathing with that water, the heat on the body is removed. The smell of neem leaves also prevents mosquitoes from coming into the house.

Use in skincare products

Neem is rich in vitamins, minerals and fatty acids so it also helps in blood circulation. Neem is also useful for acne on the face. So neem is also used in making skincare products.

Increase soil fertility

Neem can tolerate any conditions and grow. In addition, neem has a remarkable ability to tolerate air and water pollution and withstand heat. Neem can also restore and maintain soil fertility.

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