Back pain has become quite common. In every household, there is at least one person who has experienced Back pain. Generally, this problem is seen after the age of 40. Women are more likely to suffer from this problem. Our lifestyle has become such that now this problem can be seen even at the age of 25. So let’s find out today the reasons for Back pain and ways to get relief from it.

Reasons of back pain

  • Any kind of injury in the back
  • There is wear and tear in the lumbar cushion
  • There is an infection in the bulging cushion of the waist
  • Due to increasing age, deficiency of necessary nutrients like calcium and protein in the body and due to other reasons can cause back pain.

What should be done to overcome back pain?

  • Always make a habit of sitting upright, in the long run this habit saves from back pain. This habit puts a uniform pressure on the lumbar cushion and prevents wear of the lumbar cushion. And sitting up straight is an act of conscious effort, so it is a kind of exercise. It strengthens the muscles.
  • If one has to sit in one place for a long time, it is necessary to move around at times. In any work, one should stand up and move around for a few minutes at intervals of 30 to 35 minutes.
  • It is advisable to include milk, yogurt, lentils, and vitamins in the diet in sufficient quantities so that the body receives calcium and protein. Our body replaces old calcium and protein with new ones at regular intervals. Therefore, it is necessary to consume adequate amounts of calcium and protein in the diet for this process. If not consumed enough, it can lead to lumbar cushion wearing quickly.
  • One should not do work that involves sudden jerky movements of the waist.
  • It is advisable to exercise the muscles and nerves of the waist daily to maintain their strength and agility.

Exercise that helps strengthen the muscles of the lower back

  • Lay upside down on a flat floor or bed every morning with an empty stomach. Keep your both hands on the back and then hold your breath. Keep chest and head approximately 6 to 8 inches above the ground as high as possible. Hold your breath as long as you can during this exercise. If you can not hold your breath for long, take two to three deep breaths and release the body while exhaling.

Treatments and solutions of back pain

  • Press gently on the painful part of the back.
  • You should take maximum rest when in back pain. You should lie down rather than sit. So that the back muscles and lumbar cushion gets proper rest.
  • Avoid sleeping on the ground as far as possible. Because, it is difficult for the body to get up from lying on the ground.
  • If there is more problem, medicine should be taken as per doctor’s advice. Pain medication should not be taken permanently, it can be harmful in the long run.
  • Take care of body weight in proportion. You should include milk, curd, pulses and vitamins in sufficient quantity in your daily diet.
  • If the pain persists for a long time, see a good physiotherapist, sometimes physiotherapy can relieve the pain even without X-rays.
  • After relieving the pain, one should continue daily exercise.

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